Brave & Talented Young Artist Donates £150 to PreventALL

A young leukaemia survivor who created artwork during her treatment, has auctioned off a
collection of art pieces to raise money for charity.

Lottie Scrowston, aged just 7, from Yorkshire, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in September 2020 and continued her treatment for over two years, completing her final chemo on the 12th November 2022. The first 6 months of treatment, known as frontline treatment, was a harsh period of intense chemotherapy combined with steroids. In the months following frontline treatment, Lottie endured a further mixture of steroids, daily, weekly and monthly chemotherapy. All of this, in addition to regular lumbar punctures, chemotherapy injected into her spinal fluid, bone marrow aspirations and regular antibiotics. Lottie also faced several hospital admissions, some of them longer than others, but often in isolation.

During every treatment, every appointment and admission, Lottie has taken paper, pens and art materials along and it was during a harsh week of steroids that Lottie created her collection of birds. Each of her incredibly artistic pieces, were then framed personally by Lottie ready to auction just before Christmas.

Inspirational Lottie decided to auction off her artwork to support 4 charities, we are humbled that PreventALL was one of them. Lottie raised an incredible £600 in total which was split equally between ourselves; CCLG – Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, Ward 31 (Paediatric Oncology Ward) at Leeds General Infirmary and Lottie’s primary school.

We would like to extend a huge thanks to Lottie for her donation and for her kindness and her amazing talents. We send our congratulations for beating ALL and for being such an inspiration to everyone. We wish you all the very best for the future, your artistic and creative talents will take you far we are sure!

Gallery of Lottie's art